Heirloom, Non-GMO grains and cover crops make great farmer seeds for small homesteads

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Mother's Day Sale - Save 20% off all Flower Seeds

Mother's Day Sale 20% Off All Flower Seeds


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Guaranteed to grow anywhere in the USA

Or else we'll make it right. The success of your garden is our top priority.

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Non-GMO Heirloom Seeds

All of our seeds are non-GMO, open-pollinated heirloom varieties

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Self-reliance for years to come

Each individual seed packet contains instructions for growing and seed storage

Non-GMO Heirloom Seeds


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Lavender is one of the most popular and well-known flowering herbs. We use it for its soothing fragrance, delicate flavor, and beauty when blooming. As popular as it is, lavender can be challenging to grow from seed, but you can use some helpful tips and tricks to grow this perennial herb successfully.
Nothing brightens up a summer’s day more than some colorful flowers, but not everyone has a lot of space for an elaborate flower garden. Still, many flower varieties grow well in pots, which makes it easy for anyone to enjoy flowers just about anywhere there’s enough sunshine. Brighten the porch, patio, or balcony with some of these easy-to-grow flowers in containers.
If you’re curious about no-till gardening, why not start with this year’s garden? It may sound like a whole new idea, but it really doesn’t require reinventing your whole approach or overhauling your current practices. 

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